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Frequently Asked Questions
​Does Prestige Therapy accept insurance?

Prestige Therapy accepts Neighborhood Health Plan of RI, Blue Cross and Blue Shield (most plans even out of state from RI), Tufts, and United Healthcare of RI.  We are an out of network provider for all other health insurance plans. Private pay is also available. 

Do I need a referral to receive private speech or occupational therapy?

Private pay patients do not need a referral to receive speech language or occupational therapy services. Some insurances require a physician referral prior to the start of treatment. We will contact your insurance provider for you and let you know if this is the case for your child. 

My child received a speech language and/or occupational therapy evaluation at school already. Do I need another evaluation from you?

It is recommended to have a current speech-language and/or occupational therapy assessment. If your child has been evaluated within the past 12 months, Prestige Therapy will use such evaluation to determine an appropriate treatment plan of care.  If you feel your current evaluation is not meeting your child's needs or you disagree with the findings, a new evaluation may be completed. Those utilizing insurance will need a new evaluation to start the plan of care with Prestige Therapy.

My child was dismissed from speech language and/or therapy.  I feel he could still benefit from treatment. What can I do and why was he dismissed?

School systems follow a different set of guidelines from private practitioners. For a child to receive speech-language and/or occupational therapy in schools, the therapy must prove to be "educationally relevant". Your child may have reached a higher level of skills which is no longer deemed "educationally relevant" for them to continue services in the school setting. If you feel your child still needs speech language and/or occupational therapy  services, you have the right to pursue these services from a private practitioner.

My child did not qualify for school speech therapy and therapy following his Early Intervention dismissal. Is he still able to receive these services with a private speech or occupational therapist?

Many parents are devastated to learn their child may not qualify under their school departments guidelines for speech therapy or occupational therapy services once their child ages out of early intervention. In these instances, you may certainly have your child assessed with a private speech language pathologist to continue treatment.

Can I stay and observe my child's therapy session?

Some children perform best when working separately from parents. Parents will be invited to sit in for part or whole sessions only when  appropriate. Please discuss any concerns that you have with your clinician.

How do I get the process started?

Contact Prestige Therapy to schedule a phone consultation. We will verify insurance information for you and email you the forms needed to initiate therapy sessions.

Please return the forms as well as a copy of your child's insurance card  and a referral/script from your child's pediatrician/referring physician. You may email, fax or hand deliver the forms to the office prior to your first visit.



  • Copy of the current or proposed IEP (if applicable)

  • Any speech and language and/or occupational therapy evaluations from within the last year.

  • Any other reports from related testing (i.e. neuropsychological evaluations, educational assessments, etc.)



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